Friday, 26 April 2013

Challenges for Video Analytics

Video analytics seems awesome… so why is it not growing faster?

Video analytics is a trending topic. We have seen that its applications and benefits are endless, and no doubt in the near future we will see many derivations of this technology. But nowadays, what is holding back the growth of video analytics?

This technology is facing mainly the following problems: 

  • Accuracy - The system is still inaccurate. This means it still has a lot of errors and raises false alerts and needs maintenance. 
  • Human Intervention - It needs human intervention or monitoring, which increases the cost of the system overall. 
  • Privacy and Security - Another crucial issue is the growing concern about privacy and the protection of civil rights. The installation of video analytics tools massively will necessarily imply that everyone is seeing anywhere at any time. This is scary. Who is in charge of this information? Who will use it and for what purpose? This could turn into a huge Orwellian Big Brother. Some Hollywood movies are already making us aware of this… Legislation always tends to trail a bit behind industry. The legislative reality also differs from country to country in terms of the degree of safety and guarantees they offer when treating data and transferring data, which makes things even more complicated and confusing.
Apart from just these three main, there are also Environmental and Computational Factors that can affect the performance of Video Analytics. This page can give you a lot more detail on what these are and how it can affect the performance.

Wow...Is it possible to get around this?

Of course it is possible. Eventually, as these issues are taken care of, the costs will be reduced and the technology will become more affordable. As of now, the principal users of the tools  are public administrations, who can pay the price of using this services and also overcome legislative issues, while private ones, more concerned with cost and profit, need to think twice before making use of it.

Have a good weekend and don't forget to come back and visit us next week!

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